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Plastic-Eating Super Enzymes, Sustainable Food Packaging and Food Waste

A super-enzyme that works to degrade plastic six times faster than before has been developed by scientists and could be in active use for the recycling process within two years. The super-enzyme is derived from bacteria that naturally evolved to be able to “eat" plastic. These enzymes, described in a journal published this week in (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), were derived from plastic-eating bacteria first discovered by Japanese scientists in 2016. In 2020, plastic pollution has become one of the world’s most pressing environmental problems. Every day approximately 8 million pieces of plastic pollution find their way into our oceans. And scientists have recently discovered micro-plastics embedded deep in the Arctic ice. So this innovation is certainly most welcomed. But what other plastic-free innovations are arriving? And while we focus on the environmental impact of food production, how can we also curb the negative impact of food waste?

Other Sustainable Innovations 

Israeli start up W-Cycle have recently announced their innovative approach to recycling sugarcane waste into plastic-free packaging. Joseph Siani, W-Cycle’s CTO states that he hopes consumers will “ditch plastic containers and “create a cleaner environment”, as they move away from plastic bottles and plastic packaging. W-Cycle take the fibrous, pulpy residue that remains after sugarcane has been crushed, and extracts this ‘bagasse SupraPulp’ to form the basis of their plastic alternative. “COVID-19 is drawing consumers’ attention to how we treat our planet and the future of the environment. There is a greater demand - and pressure - on brands to offer environmentally sustainable products”, Siani continued.

In September 2020, food giant Nestlé launched a new $30 million investment aimed at increasing the amount of food-grade recycled plastics it uses in packaging. It also launched a new refill system for pet food. Impressively, 87% of Nestlé’s packaging is already recyclable or reusable. And the company's ambition is to make all of its packaging either recyclable or reusable by 2025. 

Food Waste 

In addition to an emphasis on reducing plastic waste across the food and beverage industry, companies are also focusing on reducing food waste. Food and beverage Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is one of the best ways to curb food waste and improve overall efficiency. ERP software improves supply chain management — aligning production, storage and demand for all products. It also provides full traceability, in compliance will the latest FDA regulations. Efficient storage administration and the effective management of expiry dates are further benefits. ERP Software, Traceability and Demand Planning Software puts every food and beverage business in a better position to combat food wastage and improve the environmental impact of their enterprise. 

But of course a plastic-free, fully-sustainable food and beverage industry is not without its challenges. There is a fine balancing act to be had between meeting environmental responsibilities, managing the expectations of your consumers, and meeting all your logistical responsibilities and challenges. What’s clear is that there’s undoubtedly a wider consumer appetite to reduce the footprint and environmental impact of food consumption. To remain competitive in the future, food and beverage manufacturers should look to replace plastic in their packaging as the push towards sustainability continues to gain momentum.

Get in touch to learn how CASHMERE can help your food and beverage business become more sustainable.