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Top 5 Traceability Tips

Customer concerns over the safety and transparency of the food and beverage products they buy is more intense than ever before. And new demands are placed on suppliers on a regular basis. The public’s understanding of food traceability has risen in recent times as the result of a number of high profile food scandals. As a result the provenance and traceability of food remains at the forefront of everyone’s agenda. So with that in mind, what are the top 5 traceability tips for F&B manufacturers to adopt?

Firstly, What is Traceability?

Traceability refers to the processes that trace the flow of food and beverage products throughout their production, processing and distribution stages. With traceability, it’s possible to locate a product or ingredient at any stage of the supply chain. Traceability is of paramount importance when it comes to food safety and it also impacts a food and beverage manufacturers operational efficiency. 

1. Keep it Legal

Traceability is not just a good idea, it’s the law. Each marketplace, may it be the USA, the EU, or beyond, has prescribed its own traceability requirements, which food and beverage manufacturers must follow. In September 2020, a new rule proposed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) established a list of foods which would require additional record keeping beyond what existing regulations demand.  This has been instituted to lay the foundation for vast  ‘farm-to-table’ traceability across the US food industry. It establishes additional traceability record-keeping requirements “beyond what is already required in existing regulations,” according to the FDA. Similarly, in the European Union, the General Food Law Regulation requires companies to trace and track food and ingredients through all stages of production. Fortunately, by investing in a leading ERP (enterprise resource planning) and traceability solution, manufactures can automatically meet the ‘farm to table’ rules as prescribed by the FDA. 

2. Data Management 

Traceability, particularly in the F&B industry, requires the maintenance of massive quantities of disparate data. It undoubtedly cannot be effectively managed via an Excel spreadsheet. However, traceability software can carry the load. It can manage batch codes, supplier information, delivery dates and stock levels. And most importantly this important information can be called upon, or accessed, whenever it may be required. 

3. Let Your Customers Know Care About Traceability

Investing in traceability software or ERP solutions can be expensive, but it reaps rewards in practical ways, impacts profit and improves customer perceptions about your business. In fact research from the University at Buffalo School of Management recently found that customers are more likely to purchase food products that have been subject to traceability systems. Customers enjoy being privy to the where and the how of the products origins. 

4. Keep it Mobile

Cloud-based food manufacturing and traceability software can be accessed from anywhere, at any time. Meaning wherever you are in the world, the data you need is at your fingertips. Your business runs more smoothly, and you can be more efficient than ever before.

5. Use Blockchain

Increasingly, blockchain protocol is working to enhance traceability in the F&B supply chains. The power of blockchain is gaining momentum because it provides the ability to instantaneously trace the entire lifecycle of products, from origin through every point of contact. It is the key to an F&B company’s credibility, profit margin and safety.

Every year there are roughly 700 FDA managed recalls. As a result, the industry suffers an average economic loss of $10 million per recall. Furthermore, only 33% of consumers now trust the safety of their food. If your food and beverage company is looking to scale and grow via ERP solutions, traceability and demand planing software, whilst meeting all the FDA requirements, get in touch with Cashmere today.